January 20, 2017...the first day of Donald Trump's presidency. The first day of taking a step back. His first two executive orders are to weaken the Affordable Care Act and to cut back on a federal discount program that only benefits middle class families trying to buy a home.
Yeah, I'm a liberal. You know what that means...it means that, at the end of the day, I believe in "live and let live." I don't judge anyone for the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, their religion, their national origin, or anything else that is really not any of my business. However, I this does not extend to standing by while my or any other people's rights are infringed on. While our world is being abused by fossil fuels and decimation of natural resources. While there are those who think that they are better than us because we are "bleeding hearts;" which, to me, translates as people who care.
Don't deliberately misunderstand...the existence of a gay marriage does not infringe on your rights. The existence of equality for all human beings does not infringe on you in any way. There is enough equality to go around, it is an infinite quality that everyone should get a piece of and it's still there for the next generation.
Barack Obama was a great president. He accomplished so much while weathering the vitriol and contrary stubbornness of his detractors. So many were willing to believe the worst lies about him...lies that would have been brushed off as ridiculous if applied to any other president in our history. No, he wasn't perfect...he made mistakes, especially at the beginning. However, he got us out of a recession, made sure everyone had access to the medical treatment they needed, and made it possible for people to express their love openly. He and his family have class, humor, and kindness.
But it's not just President Obama's legacy at stake here. I live in Texas, very close to Austin, where reminders of the presidency of LBJ are everywhere. Nobody here realizes that the legacy of our beloved hometown president is at risk as well.
For example:
The Equal Rights Amendment
The Voting Rights Act
National Endowment of the Humanities
National Endowment of the Arts
Head Start, Food Stamps, and Work Study
Gun Control Act of 1968
All of these are, in one way or another, in danger or under attack. So, while Texans visit LBJ's birthplace, enjoy the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park, or vacation on Lake LBJ...they don't think that the legacy of the President that all of these these things are named for is being spat upon by the new regime. This is Texas...one of the most conservative states in existence.
Tomorrow there is a Woman's March on ATX, one of many such protests going on this weekend. It is heartening to know that I am not the only one who feels this way and that we will band together to have one single, strong voice. We are not powerless, this is America and it's already great because we all can freely express this voice.
We can all loudly, and say with overwhelming certainty:
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